Tag Archives: quito

The FLOK Society Project

Xabier E. Barandiaran (1)  & David Vila-Viñas (2)
[An earlier version of this document is now been published at the Journal of Peer Production as an introductory article to the special issue on the FLOK project. This article will have a PDF version for free download]


We are about to publish the Ecuatorian Edition (in Spanish) of the book that covers the results of almost two years of collaborative research and participatory design of public policies and sustainable model for a Free/Libre Open Knowledge Social Economy. It is also time to backup the contents of the book and to make a summary of the project so far. Continue reading

FLOK en Campus Party Quito

Miembros de la sociedad FLOK asistieron a la mayor fiesta tecnológica quiteña, el Campus Party, para hablar de la visión de la sociedad del conocimiento abierto, o Sumak Yachay:

Miembros de la sociedad FLOK asistieron a la mayor fiesta tecnológica quiteña, el Campus Party, para hablar de la visión de la sociedad del conocimiento abierto, o Sumak Yachay: